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You don’t really need any more reasons to have lots of great sex, but as it shows us here, sex isn’t only bloody fantastic but it’s really beneficial for our health. Great news! So let’s go forth people and have lots more sex ( safe of course ) and enjoy ourselves and benefit our health and well being at the same time.


Organic Loven

1.  Increases the defenses : sex as usual , once or twice a week , causing increased secretion of the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehydroepiandrosterone) , increasing up to 30 % the levels of antibodies called immunoglobulin A , which favors defense mechanisms against diseases like colds or flu.

2 .  Prevents heart problems : According to a study , sexual practice two or more times a week decreased a subject’s risk for a fatal heart attack – by more than 50%. That’s nothing to shake a stick at. Compared to those with less than once per month. Similarly, contributes to the decrease in total cholesterol and to increase HDL , the good cholesterol considered .

3 .  Combat Depression: during sex several hormones are released as endorphins and oxytocin. The first creates a sense of well-being and a state of euphoria, while the latter increases the levels of serotonin and…

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